Pittsburgh DUI Defense Lawyer
Law Firm News/Pennsylvania 2010/02/25 09:15
If you've been arrested for DUI, this is most likely one of the worst days of your life. As a former police officer, I know the range of emotions that you must be feeling. You're probably angry at yourself for letting this happen, embarrassed to face family and friends, worried about your job, scared because you don’t know whether you’re going to jail and confused because you're not sure what to do next. As a Pittsburgh Police Lieutenant, I spent several years in charge of the Pittsburgh Police DUI Task Force and have extensive experience with all aspects of DUI law in Pennsylvania. The attorneys in my office help steer you through this nightmare so that you are able to get on with your life.
Experience has taught me that the great majority of people arrested for DUI are not bad people or criminals; they are good people who may have made a bad choice, or have done something out of character. If you've been charged with DUI in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County or in any of the surrounding counties, please contact us at 412-429-4360 for a free consultation. Our phone answers 24 hours a day and we'll return your call the same day. You may also email us directly at info@gbmlawpittsburgh.com or use the contact form. We respond to phone calls and emails 7 days a week and are available to speak and meet with you on weekends.
Pittsburgh DUI Defense Lawyer